representing municipalities
Hoplite is an expert telecommunications consultant with over 20 years of experience in the wireless industry. We worked on the carrier side for over a decade in legal representation, construction management and site management. This affords a holistic perspective of the wireless industry that we now utilize to serve our municipal and county clients.
The impending 5G revolution makes the need for an expert representative a top priority so that this technology is rolled out in a safe and orderly manner.
managing 5g rollouts
The team at Hoplite combines deep wireless industry knowledge and client-first management philosophy.
Hoplite is an expert telecommunications consultant for local governments throughout the State of New Jersey.
Let us help
We can help if you are a municipality losing a grip on the state of wireless deployments on municipal land and in the public right-of-way. The concern is especially compelling in light of the impending 5G technology rollouts which will involve extensive use of public streets, utility poles, street lamps and other infrastructure for the placement of antennas, cabinets and communications lines.