As a municipality, we expect residents to express concern over the safety of 5G antenna signals, especially since many of these 5G sites will be installed at 40-50 feet above ground level atop utility poles in public streets. This will put them at eye level with adjacent apartment units and businesses.
In short, no. Due to restrictive provisions contained in the 1996 federal Telecommunications Act, a local government may not prohibit the deployment of cellular technology due to concerns over RF signal safety. Nor may a town publish its own RF emissions standards. What local municipalities can do is require that wireless carriers demonstrate compliance with FCC standards.
Hoplite will ensure this is the case by maintaining a GIS system of 5G locations. Each location will specify the antenna model, output wattage and an RF safety report demonstrating that the antennas meet published FCC RF safety standards. The RF safety reports will be updated each time a cell site modification leads to a change in the RF signal emissions profile.